We are delighted to announce the addition of Pensionskasse der Bewag to our financial services industry client list.
Pensionskasse der Bewag has decided to digitize business continuity management, information risk management, as well as outsourcing oversight and third party risk management (TPRM) based on three modules out of our AGP@ARTEMEON governance, risk & compliance suite:
Our AGP@ARTEMEON suite offers Pensionskasse der Bewag a VAG, VAIT and DORA-compliant digitalization of business continuity management (BCM@ARTEMEON), information risk management (ISMS@ARTEMEON), and contract, outsourcing, and third party risk management workflows (VAM@ARTEMEON).
BCM@ARTEMEON helps to identify critical processes, offers workflows to perform a business impact analysis and BCM risk analysis, generates business continuity / emergency plans and supports the planning and testing of business continuity / emergency exercises.
ISMS@ARTEMEON supports the visualization of an information network / information domain, the management of ICT requirements in view of threats & vulnerabilities, and the identification of ICT risk via a gap analysis and the ultimate information risk management process.
VAM@ARTEMEON offers workflows, functionalities, checklists and reports – inter alia for regulatory-compliant outsourcing management and ICT third-party risk management (e.g. in accordance with VAG, MaGo, VAIT, DORA). VAM@ARTEMEON also contains a comprehensive contract database and contract management function for all types of credit, debit and other contracts.
Thank you Pensionskasse der Bewag, we are grateful for the trust you have placed in us!