Following the successful use of VAM@ARTEMEON since 2021, Donner & Reuschel has chosen to implement our BCM@ARTEMEON and ISMS@ARTEMEON software solutions.
Thereby extending the use of our AGP@ARTEMEON platform to three modules and consequently implementing E2E digitalisation
of all relevant functions for an ICT risk management in accordance with DORA.
BCM@ARTEMEON is designed to enable organizations to streamline the identification of critical processes and resources
and to establish an appropriate business continuity management. BCM@ARTEMEON includes business impact analysis and BCM
risk analysis functionalities, supports the creation of emergency and business continuity plans and documents all BCM
related testing activities.
ISMS@ARTEMEON supports an information risk management software in accordance with DORA, BAIT, BSI standards or
ISO 27001. ISMS@ARTEMEON includes functionlities for mapping an information network, workflows for protection needs
assessment, gap analysis, as well as information risk management.
We would like to thank Donner & Reuschel for their continued trust in our company. We are very much looking forward to
the extended cooperation!