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Barbecue event – Team ARTEMEON

  • Wednesday 17 July 2024
  • 1 min read
Barbecue event – Team ARTEMEON

Every day we are interested in what moves our customers and where we can improve. We work to make our customers winners.

We are passionate about our topics and push them forward day after day. We put our hearts into it and do our best every day. This is how we inspire others and infect them. We are firmly convinced that we can only be successful together.

But let’s be honest: sometimes you have to stop, let your mind wander and just celebrate yourself. That’s exactly what we did in the best weather on the evening of July 15, 2024 and conjured up a 5-course menu under the guidance of the professional chefs from Das Grillfachgeschäft. There was a lot of laughter at the barbecue event – including at ourselves. It was a great opportunity to recognize our successes and prepare for the challenges ahead.

Here’s to many more successful projects and a strong team community!

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